Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Apr 14, 2011 5:56 PM

I think what people are upset about is the fact that there isn't much different about the actual sunglasses.

Correct, there isn't much different. But as a package, it's a LOT different. There are two circles that are going to be going after it. Oakley fan-boys and Nascar fan-boys. Guess which circle has a TON more money and a TON more followers? That's right, Nascar.

If you don't like them, who cares? They will be sold out before you know it.

Also, think about it from Oakley's point of view.

"Hey, I can release basically the same pair I already have molds for and colors for, yet charge double and KNOW they will sell out! Sweeeeeet!"

Also, and this is probably the best point I can make, Oakley doesn't care that it isn't really any different. They aren't out to make each pair unique just so collectors can have all 5 pieces and think "Oh hey, all 5 are different! Cool!"
18K & FMJ
Apr 14, 2011 7:16 PM
I'm still waitin' for that $400 shipping charge... just 'cause Oakley "can do it".

Trevor F
Apr 14, 2011 7:50 PM
nope...free shipping, with standard 5 day shipping in the shopping cart, it says I save a whole $3.61...wooohoooo!!! oh and no havent got em yet, just resting in the shopping cart, strtching coin is physically harder than you would think.
Stephen Garrett
Apr 15, 2011 1:28 AM
Congrats Trevor when you get them. They're not for me. I think one pair of Pit Boss is enough since I'm more into the square O line anyway. I just got my first pair last week....TRON Edition! However, I do want that case if you wanna send it my way :D!
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Apr 15, 2011 5:04 PM
I remember when we thought that 600 bucks for a pair of Pit Bosses was RIDICULOUS and no one would ever consider owning one. I also remember the thought of owning a C6 or the CF C6 was just 100% out of the question.

Now we have a number of members with MULTIPLE pairs of PB's, and others with each of the Elite items.

Things change. Perceptions change. And heck, after all, they are ELITE, aren't they? I would hope Joe Schmoe's like myself wouldn't think they were reasonably priced!

Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Apr 15, 2011 8:02 PM
Only 17 days left...
18K & FMJ
Apr 15, 2011 9:32 PM
Well, since shipping "is" FREE...

Trevor F
Apr 17, 2011 3:57 PM
You know, I sit back and read alot of these threads, comb through pages upon pages on Ebay, and bounce around the craigslist jungle...I have seen members here banter back and forth about who abuses what. I have watched amazingly how some on here give so much and others seem to abuse that generosity. I really dont say very much on here, due to, one, I dont have much to say and two, some times its better to just stand back and watch.

This frustration isnt so much with the "O" per se as it is the "O" subculture that lurks within the O-review walls. Most notably is the members here who are proud, contributing members and then scalp, gouge and well abuse the free trade system on other sites. Business is business and i understand this, but business ethics and integrity go along way, especially when the integrity here is percieved one way and then elswhere another. This is not aimed at any one individual, the ones that I am speaking of know who they may be and that is fine. I really just needed to get this out.

I know the backlash of, "if you dont like it, dont look at it, or buy it, or whatever" trust me i wont, it just sucks to know that people that supposedly come together for the interest in one common thing have so many dualities. I mean, how many saturday night car gatherings have you been to where one guy who has something and doesnt try to find a way to share with his brothers in culture there, before raping it for what its worth in a sale elsewhere? I have yet to see it, but maybe I am blind.

I guess my issue is that I just get irritated when I see people say or bitch about one thing and then hypocritically do the same thing, or that come here and just leech off the others. Not trying to call anyone out specifically, but those who know who I am talking about, look in the mirror and ask yourself, am I a fan of the "O", or a in the business of "O"(reseller, scalper, profit monger, leech etc..). I for one am a fan, and hope that this site draws more of those than the other. Ok said my piece...meaningfull? meaningless? who knows?...but I feel better.
Paul Court
Apr 17, 2011 5:30 PM
I agree totaly with what you say Trevor: there most certainly are members who act like 'members', when they're on other sales sites. But integrity is for sale......right?
Mike Bahr
Apr 17, 2011 7:36 PM
Trevor.... Thankyou for posting those words, very well said and i whole heartedly agree with you.

Kenny "HED" Wu
Apr 18, 2011 12:02 AM
nice piece mr trevor
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Apr 18, 2011 5:35 AM
Piggybacking on what Trevor said: I've been fortunate over the years to capitalize on a finanically rewarding deal or two, but I always felt okay about it because I went the auction route. I knew I had a good thing, but I couldn't bring myself to list an aggressive BIN price. I think back to the Harajuku O-Store Travel Mug that fetched northwards of $200. I started that auction at $0.99 and let the chips fall where they may. I'm not saying this because I want a pat on the back, but I don't think there's anything wrong with making a buck or two, but how you are percieved by those in this community is very important and some people do not do themselves any favors by playing the game in an aggressive and maniupulative way. Personally, I'm done with searching for items now because there is way too much nonsense going on. I'm glad my big collecting push came before the game was overcome with scalpers and opportunists. Anways, just thought I'd add my two cents...

Nik Gutscher
May 28, 2011 2:12 PM
Coming back to this thread after reading Ricks. Very great read Rick! You achieved a lot over seas and helped out a lot of members in the process. I consider myself priveleged that I got to meet and spend time with you.

Pretty Fcuking pissed of at O right now. There are 2-3 new releases I'd love to buy but have no access to. Very disappointed in thier marketing/delivery plans. Very pathetic if you ask me.

As a dedicated Fanatic and official Co-Pilot, I shouldn't be shut out and dissed for new releases like this.

Color me, very, disappointed.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
May 31, 2011 7:46 PM
Which pairs are you talking about Nik? Being in Ohio, I feel your pain about the lack of interest Oakley has in releasing pairs here.
Francois C
Jun 28, 2011 11:55 AM
I knew I should have been careful with this order, considering that I got problems with my two previous ones on O.com.

First, the box were just put in the packet like shown on the pic, so the hologram kind of coating got damaged all around the box (not viewable on the pic).

Second, there's a paint defect on the extremity of the frame on the inside. Well, it would be OK if the defect wasn't actually scratching when you run a finger above...

Third and final, the left stem which was wrapped in a plastic sleeve to protect it, is actually scuffed like it was scraped up ...

Just to illustrate my words :

My two previous order on O.com got issues. Well, I assume that bad things come in threes, as the saying goes ...
Twenty Fifty
Jun 27, 2011 5:52 PM
Crap, that’s some horrible shipping. You’d think they’d take some extra precautions for special limited boxes. Even worse to hear about the scratches on the frame. Hope they fix this quickly for you, Francois.
Jun 27, 2011 6:14 PM
Ouch Francois. That's rough! I hate to say it but maybe it's an Oakley Europe thing? I don't think I've heard some one in the states having that much bad luck.
Francois C
Jun 27, 2011 7:12 PM
Actually, 5 members of O-addicts received their TF3 GC's and I'm the only one to have a damaged pair ...

I must have a bad karma !? o_O

Anyway, I just got my return number.
This will be my first and last return as I won't order on O.com anymore.
Retail store will be my only source for O-Stuff, now.
Stephen Garrett
Jun 27, 2011 10:21 PM
Everytime i order from o.com thats exactly how they come. Ive always thought they should include some bubble wrap.
Bob Russell
Jul 1, 2011 4:57 PM
I have a receipt from oakleyvault.com for my order which included the Titanium Square Wires they had. They shipped out the rest of my order, everything but the Square Wires, and charged me for the rest of my order, but there was no mention of the Square Wires. After receiving the shipment, which did not include the Square Wires, I called them up and was told they had sold out and I should just ignore that part of my order and pretend it never happened.

In summary, I have a receipt for the purchase of a sold out product and received no notification about it. (On a positive note, they never charged my credit card for the missing product. That would have made it a bigger frustration.)
Jul 2, 2011 6:42 PM
^^I have had that exact same thing happen to me. I had to call because they were waiting for the item to restock. I called and had the order split so they could ship the out of stock item after they have it in stock. Well, they never restocked and basically just wiped that part of my order out.

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